Révision datée du 17 août 2015 à 18:28 par Zolo (discussion) (Nouvelle page : local function severalProperties(args) local newargs = args for i, j in pairs( do = j local newclaims = p.getClaims(newargs) if claims then...)
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local function severalProperties(args) local newargs = args for i, j in pairs( do = j local newclaims = p.getClaims(newargs) if claims then return claims end end end local function hastargetvalue(claim, target) if target == nil then return true end return samevalue(claim.mainsnak, target) end local function hasrank(claim, target) if target == 'valid' then return hasrank(claim, 'preferred') or hasrank(claim, 'normal') end if claim.rank == target then return true end return false end local function bestranked(claims) if not claims then return nil end local preferred, normal = {}, {} for i, j in pairs(claims) do if j.rank == 'preferred' then table.insert(preferred, j) elseif j.rank == 'normal' then table.insert(normal, j) end end if #preferred > 0 then return preferred else return normal end end local function hasqualifier(claim, qualifier, qualifiervalues) qualifier = string.upper(qualifier) if not qualifier then -- si aucun qualificatif est demandé, ça passe return true end if not claim.qualifiers or not claim.qualifiers[qualifier] then return false end if (not qualifiervalues) or (qualifiervalues == {}) then return true -- si aucune valeur spécifique n'est exigée end if type(qualifiervalues) == 'string' then qualifiervalues = {qualifiervalues} end for i, j in pairs(claim.qualifiers[qualifier]) do local val = p.getRawvalue(j) for k, l in pairs(qualifiervalues) do if l == val then return true end end end return false end local function hassource(statement, source, sourceproperty) sourceproperty = string.upper(sourceproperty or 'P248') local sourcevalue = string.upper(source or '') if not statement.references or not statement.references[sourceproperty] then return false end if not source then -- si toutes les sources sont valides, du moment qu'elles utilisent sourceproperty return true end for i, j in pairs(statement.references[sourceproperty]) do if p.getRawvalue(j) == source then return true end end return true end local function hasdate(statement) if statement.qualifiers and (statement.qualifiers['P585'] or statement.qualifiers['P580'] or statement.qualifiers['P582']) then return true end return false end local function isinlanguage(snak, lang) -- ne fonctionne que pour les monolingualtext / étendre aux autres types en utilisant les qualifiers ? if snak.snaktype == 'value' and snak.datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' and snak.datavalue.value.language == lang then return true end return false end local function isSpecial(snak) if snak.snaktype == 'value' then return false end return true end local function numval(claims, numval) -- retourn les numval premières valeurs de la table claims local numval = tonumber(numval) or 0 -- raise a error if numval is not a positive integer ? if #claims <= numval then return claims end local newclaims = {} while #newclaims < numval do table.insert(newclaims, claims[#newclaims + 1]) end return newclaims end local function comparedate(a, b) -- returns true if a is earlier than B or if a has a date but not b if a and b then return a.timestamp < b.timestamp elseif a then return true end end local function chronosort(claims, inverted) table.sort(claims, function(a,b) local timeA = p.getDate(a) local timeB = p.getDate(b) if inverted then return comparedate(timeB, timeA) else return comparedate(timeA, timeB) end end ) return claims end function p.sortclaims(claims, sorttype) if sorttype == 'chronological' then return chronosort(claims) elseif sorttype == 'inverted' then return chronosort(claims, true) elseif type(sorttype) == 'function' then table.sort(claims, sorttype) return claims end return claims end function p.getClaims( args ) -- returns a table of the claims matching some conditions given in args args = removeblanks(args) if then -- if claims have already been set, return them return end if not then return formatError( 'property-param-not-provided' ) end if type( == 'table' then return severalProperties(args) end --Get entity local entity = args.entity if type(entity) ~= 'table' then entity = getEntity( args.entity ) end if (not entity) or (not then return nil end local property = string.upper( if not[property] then return nil end if not args.rank then args.rank = 'best' end local claims = {} -- ~= '' lorsque le paramètre est écrit mais laissé blanc dans une fonction frame for i, statement in pairs([property]) do if ( not args.excludespecial or not (isSpecial(statement.mainsnak)) ) and ( not args.targetvalue or hastargetvalue(statement, args.targetvalue) ) and ( not args.qualifier or hasqualifier(statement, args.qualifier, args.qualifiervalue or args.qualifiervalues) ) and ( not args.source or hassource(statement, args.source, args.sourceproperty) ) and not args.isinlanguage or isinlanguage(statement.mainsnak, args.isinlanguage) and args.rank == 'best' -- rank == best est traité à a fin or hasrank(statement, rank) then table.insert(claims, statement) end end if #claims == 0 then return nil end if args.rank == 'best' then claims = bestranked(claims) end if args.sorttype then claims = p.sortclaims(claims, args.sorttype) end if args.numval then return numval(claims, args.numval) end return claims end return p