La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Wikidata/Outils/doc
--Fonctions élémentaires de gestion des snaks Wikidata local p = {} p.i18n = require "Module:Wikidata/I18n" local defaultlang = mw.getContentLanguage():getCode() function p.translate(str, rep1, rep2) str = p.i18n[str] or str if rep1 then str = str:gsub('$1', rep1) end if rep2 then str = str:gsub('$2', rep2) end return str end function p.snaktype(snak) return snak.snaktype end function p.isSpecial(snak) return (snak.snaktype ~= 'value') end function p.isValue(snak) return (snak.snaktype == 'value') end function p.getId(snak) if p.isValue(snak) then return 'Q' .. snak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end end function p.getNumericId(snak) if p.isValue(snak) then return snak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end end function p.getMainId(claim) return p.getId(claim.mainsnak) end function p.EntityId(entity) if type(entity) == 'string' then return entity end return end function p.getValue(snak) return snak.datavalue.value end -- function that returns true if the "qid" parameter is the qid -- of the item that is linked to the calling page function p.is_page_of_qid(qid) local entity_on_its_page = false local self_entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() if self_entity ~= nil and qid == p.EntityId(self_entity) then entity_on_its_page = true end return entity_on_its_page end function p.formatError( key ) return error(p.i18n[key] or key) end function p.addcat(cat, sortkey) if sortkey then return '[[Category:' .. cat .. '|' .. (sortkey or '') .. ']]' end return '[[Category:' .. cat .. ']]' end function p.getEntity( val ) if type(val) == 'table' then return val end if val == '-' then return nil end if val == '' then val = nil end return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(val) end function p.splitStr(val) -- transforme en table les chaînes venant du Wikitexte qui utilisent des virgules de séparatin if type(val) == 'string' then val = mw.text.split(val, ",") end return val end function p.isHere(searchset, val) for i, j in pairs(searchset) do if val == j then return true end end return false end function p.alreadyHere(searchset, val) -- obsolète return p.isHere(searchset, val) end function p.getEntityPagename(entity) if (not entity) then return nil -- ou option de gestion des erreurs ? end local name ="d:" if entity["type"] == "property" then name = "d:Property:" end return name .. end function p.getEntityPagename(entity) if (not entity) then return nil -- ou option de gestion des erreurs ? end local name ="d:" if entity["type"] == "property" then name = "d:Property:" end return name .. end local function wikidataLink(entity) local name =':d:' if type(entity) == 'string' then if entity:match("P[0-9+]") then entity = "Property:" .. entity end return name .. entity elseif type(entity) == 'table' then if entity["type"] == "property" then name = ":d:Property:" end return name .. elseif type(entity) == nil then return formatError('entity-not-found') end end function p.siteLink(entity, project, lang) -- returns 3 values: a sitelink (with the relevant prefix) a project name and a language lang = lang or defaultlang if (type(project) ~= 'string') then project = 'wiki' end project = project:lower() if project == 'wikipedia' then project = 'wiki' end if type(entity) == 'string' and (project == 'wiki') and ( (not lang or lang == defaultlang) ) then -- évite de charger l'élément entier return mw.wikibase.sitelink(entity), 'wiki', defaultlang end if project == 'wikidata' then return wikidataLink(entity), 'wikidata' end local projects = { -- nom = {préfixe sur Wikidata, préfix pour les liens sur Wikipédia, ajouter préfixe de langue} wiki = {'wiki', nil, true}, -- wikipedia commons = {'commonswiki', 'commons', false}, commonswiki = {'commonswiki', 'commons', false}, wikiquote = {'wikiquote', 'q', true}, wikivoyage = {'wikivoyage', 'voy', true}, wikibooks = {'wikibooks', 'b', true}, wikinews = {'wikinews', 'n', true}, wikiversity = {'wikiversity', 'v', true}, wikisource = {'wikisource', 's', true}, -- meta -- mediawiki } entity = p.getEntity(entity) if not entity then return nil end local projectdata = projects[project:lower()] if not projectdata then -- sinon, on peut avoir des liens du type "enwiki" plutôt que "en" et lang = "wikipedia' for k, v in pairs(projects) do if project:match( k .. '$' ) and mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(project:sub(1, #project-#k)) then lang = project:sub(1, #project-#k) projectdata = k break end end if not mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(lang) then return p.formatError('invalid project code: ' .. (project or '?')) end end if not projectdata then return p.formatError('invalid project code: ' .. (project or '?')) end local linkcode = projectdata[1] local prefix = projectdata[2] local multiversion = projectdata[3] if multiversion then linkcode = lang .. linkcode end local link = entity:getSitelink(linkcode) if not link then return nil end if prefix then link = prefix .. ':' .. link end if multiversion then link = ':' .. lang .. ':' .. link end return link, project, lang end -- add new values to a list, avoiding duplicates function p.addnewvalues(old, new) if not new then return old end for _, j in pairs(new) do if not p.isHere(old, j) then table.insert(old, j) end end return old end return p